Product Programming Tips
Programming Team Digital products via JMRI – DecoderPro
Requirements: JMRI (Decoder Pro) installed on PC. PC connected to the DCC command station. For Digitrax systems RR-Cirkits Locobuffer is suggested.

To program you must create a Roster file while in Service Mode (using Page Mode). Once a roster file is created, it can be opened in Service mode or Ops Mode.

If the product does not have a "Smart" button, install the program jumper. See the product manual for power and other connections.

To create a roster file.
1. Open DecoderPro
2. Click on the Service Mode (Programming Track) Programmer button in the DecoderPro window
3. Confirm "Page mode programming" is displayed at the top of the Service Mode Programmer Setup window (if not, click on the Set... button)
4. Select the Team Digital folder from the list in this window
5. Select a product (or select the Stationary Decoder folder and then a product)
6. Select Custom Programmer Format
7. Click on the Open programmer button
6. Select the Roster Entry tab.
9. Type in a name for this product in the ID field. ID is the file name.
10. Select File and Save or click on the Save button. This will create a Roster File in DecoderPro.
11. Exit Service Mode

Using Ops Mode to program (products with a Smart button).
1. Turn Track Power off.
2. Press and hold the Smart Programming button.
3. Turn on Track Power.
4. Release the Smart Button just after you the LED comes on.
5. The product is now ready to be programmed in Ops mode.
6. Open DecoderPro.
7. Click on the Operations Mode (Main Track) Programmer button in the DecoderPro window
8. From the pop-up menu select the roster file you created earlier.
9. Select Custom Programmer Format
10. Click on the Open programmer button
11. Go to the option tab and set Bus Interface to “YES”. This enables Loconet.
12. Write changes on sheet.
13. Turn Track Power off. Wait a few seconds. (Note: Changes to Option CVs do not take affect until power is cycled.)
14. Press and hold the Smart Programming button on the SRC16.
15. Turn Track Power on.
16. At this point you can read and write CV’s. First try doing a read.
17. You can save additional files if you have more than one SRC16.
18. You can save more than one file for a SRC16 if you want to do testing. You could name the name SRC16-1 Rev a, SRC16-1 Rev b, etc. These are backups of the changes you are making. Good idea to save backup versions.

Only for Digitrax systems to read back SRC16 CV values.