The purpose of this test is to see if running long
lengths of wire side-by-side to the BlocD8 can cause
crosstalk (BlocD8 shows a block occupied that is not
occupied). The wires were wrapped together with masking
tape in several places. The BlcoD8 sensitivity was set to
maximum (3 ma). The resistive load was increased in one
block until the Zephyr circuit breaker tripped
(a little over 2.5 amps). The bus wire that supplies
power (rail A or plus) to these two blocks is also 30'
and has been moved around to see if it has any effect.
The rail B or negative wire from the booster to the
blocks is short perhaps 3'.
Next a NCE 5 amp booster was used so the load could be to
increased. The load is resistive and was increased to
almost 5 amps. Still no crosstalk.
Reference: Test track with DBD22 block detectors with
about 2' to 3' of wire. No pictures were taken of the DCC
track voltage but as might be expected the scope showed
less ringing at light load and less smoothing of the DCC
wave form at high loads.
Testing with locomotives as load. Jim Betz makes a good
point. His says - " I realize that the BlocD8 senses load
and changes in load - but the fact that the load needs to
be "real trains" is important. "
"I do not know why this is true - but I do know that the
electronic 'signature' of the load seems to be important.
You may find that using a simple decoder such as an NCE
DASR will produce failures where a static load will not.
Our experience showed that older non-sound decoders were
'worse' (more likely to produce a false occupancy state)
than a QSI decoder and that a TCS decoder was the best of
all (least likely to produce a false occupancy). But that
actually running the train was key to the false occupancy
(speed step 1 - probably the worst case) and that even
the TCS would produce multiple blocks reporting occupied
when the train was clicked from step zero to step 1."
The three sound locos mention under the wave form picture
1. Athearn Challanger with Tsunami decoder
2. Rivarossi FFE with Tsunami decoder
3. Rivarossi Big Boy (1995) with SoundTraxx decoder
Locos with TCS and Digitrax decoders were tested also.
The 'worst' looking DCC wave form does not nessarily mean
most likely to cause crosstalk. The voltage transients
are coused be the loco motor/decoder. It appears the
farther the detector is away from the loco the smaller
the transients.
Addition testing was done with several 'older' Athearn
diesels. So far no crosstalk has been obsevered.
BlocD8 Testing
Click to enlarge
DCC voltage signal at
block with three sound locos. Current about 1.5
amps. Of the locos tested these gave the 'worst'
looking wave form. Osc 10v/div
DCC voltage signal at
block. Almost 5 amp resistive load in block. (NCE
5amp booster). Osc 10v/div
DCC voltage signal at
block. No load in block but slight load on booster
(NCE 5amp). Osc 10v/div
Diesel engines used in
testing. Older Athearn.
Example of incorrect
(black) wire routing. This caused crosstalk after
the current (resistive load) was increased to
almost 4 amps (only one LED should be lit).
One way to get 30' of
wire in a small space.
Stream engines used in
The wire is 14 ga
stranded. The black wire provides power to both
This is a proto SRC16
and BlocD8 connected. The clamp is used as a strain
relief for the wires.
This is the other end
of the 30' wires going to the blocks on the test
layout. A clamp is used for a strain relief here