SRC162e - Switch & Route Controller

The SRC162e is a DCC accessory decoder that has 16 inputs and 16 outputs. The standard input configuration is for connecting of eight (8) pair of push buttons for switch (turnout) control. The standard output configuration is for connecting eight (8) pair of LEDs for switch (turnout) status indication or eight (8) Tortoise™ switch machines. With the addition of Team Digital MotoDs it can control up to 16 Tortoise™ switch machines.

MSRP - 68.95 USD
MotoD and Cable Connector Kit sold separately.

Manual in PDF format
Note; The picture is not an exact representation of the SRC162e.

Board size: 2.2" X 4.0"

Control routes on your layout
• 16 routes

Control indicators on your layout or CTC panel
• Block detection
• Turnout status
• Flashing indicators

Provides 16 outputs
• Drives up to 16 LEDs
• Drives Tortoise™ switch machines for turnout control
• Control up to 16 Tortoise™ switch machines using MotoDs
• Output lockout - input prohibits output change

Provides 16 inputs
• For local turnout control.
• For occupancy sensors
• For turnout feedback sensors

Simple inter-board wiring
• Serial bus reduces system wiring
• Digitrax LocoNet® compatible
• DCC gateway to serial bus

Simple basic setup
• "Smart Programming" in conjunction with self programming

Features differences from SRC162:
• The SRC162e does not have the two pin terminal to connect a resistor for adjusting the speed of all the connected Tortoise™. Use s resistor with each Tortoise™ instead.

The SRC162e has 16 inputs and outputs which can each have a unique address. By assigning the same address to a pair of inputs and outputs, called a group (classic SRC mode), the SRC162e can control eight turnouts (switches) or display the state (closed or thrown) of eight turnouts. Activating an input (close or throw) sends a turnout command (messages) that correspond to it’s address over the serial bus. Any device connected to the bus can receive the command. The SRC162e monitors the bus for commands from all sources, including those from itself (sent by inputs). The SRC162e does not require a serial bus connection to operate. When the SRC162e receives a turnout command with an address that matches a group’s address, that output (closed or thrown) is activated. LEDs or Tortoise™l motors can be connected to the outputs.

Since the SRC162e is a accessory decoder, it can be controlled via DCC commands. It can also be controlled via the serial bus (LocoNet® compatible). A DCC gateway feature allows DCC switch or accessory commands to be passed directly to the serial bus. This allows DCC switch commands to control devices connected to this serial bus. Other devices (SRC162es or SIC24es for example) connected to this “accessory” serial bus can communicate with each other. This can provide several advantages for a DCC system.

Configuration Variables (CVs):
The SRC162s supports Paged Mode Programming in Service Mode and Operations Mode (Programming on the Main).

Smart Programming:
“Smart” programming is a term used to describe an easy way to program Configuration Variables (CVs). The throttle is used to issue switch or accessory commands just like controlling switches (turnouts).

The SRC162e is not fully compatible with the Atlas, Backmann or MRC (except Prodigy Advance) DCC systems because they do not support accessory commands or can not program the number of CVs in the SRC162.