BlocD8 - High Density DCC Block Detector
The BlocD8 is an eight block occupancy detector for DCC. It is particularly useful where high density or centrally located detection is desired. Yards and automatic train control are some examples. It provides complete isolation from the track by using transformer type sensors. This also means there is no drop in track voltage as there is with sensing diodes. The BlocD8 is designed to work well with the SIC24AD signal and indicator controller. The BlocD8 can used in a stand-alone mode or in a network with other devices.
MSRP - 99.95 USD
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8 block detectors
Electrical isolation from the track
No track voltage drop
LED indicator for each block
Sensitivity adjustment
Powered from DC or DCC track voltage
Operates stand-alone or in a network via the serial bus
Serial bus is Digitrax LocoNet® compatible
Provides 8 routes for turnout control when the serial bus is used
• Up to 8 turnouts per route
• Routes can be executed by a block occupancy change
• Routes can be executed by an external device connected to the serial bus
Provides 8 outputs
• For remote LED indicators
• For direct connection to SMD82 inputs for turnout control
• For driving relays
Operating voltage: 9.5 to 16 volts DC or DCC (track voltage)
Typical operating current: 35 mA
Maximum load per output: 50 mA
Typical trigger current (sensitivity) adjustment: ~ 1.3 ma to 7 ma with one pass wire through the sensor
Maximum continuous sensor current: 3 amps
The BlocD8 is capable of sensing current in eight isolated sections of track called blocks. This provides for detecting the presence of locomotives or other rolling stock that draw current from the track.
When the current in the sensor reaches the trigger level, the output is turned on and the LED lights show the block is occupied. If the serial bus is used a message is sent indicating the status of the block.
This diagram depicts the BlocD8 detecting three blocks in a single power district. Since each detector is completed isolated from each other and the track no special provision is required for the BlocD8 to be used across several power districts. In an actual application a terminal strip would be used to connect the wire that loops though the BlocD8 sensors to the other wires.